
30 grappige dierenfoto’s die kans maken op de Comedy Pet Awards 2024

Het is niet moeilijk voor je huisdier om iets geks te doen: ze doen dat aan de lopende band. Maar het is wel een uitdaging om dat goed en wel op de foto te zetten. Soms lukt het wel, vaak lukt het niet, maar de genomineerden voor de Comedy Pet Award van 2024 is het in ieder geval heel goed gelukt. We horen begin juni wie de uiteindelijke winnaar is, maar eigenlijk is dit veel leuker: we hebben alle 30 finalistenfoto’s al om met je te delen. Even je ogen uitkijken naar grappige katten, springende honden en zelfs wat exotischere huisdieren zoals schildpadden.

Comedy Pet Award 2024

Het leuke aan deze fotowedstrijd is dat je niet per se een ultracamera hoeft te hebben van Canon om mee te kunnen doen. Sommige foto’s zijn duidelijk met een smartphone gemaakt, anderen zijn zelfs een beetje bewogen: als de dieren erop maar hilarisch zijn en dat is grotendeels gelukt. Het zijn natuurlijk nog de finalisten, dus niet elke foto is even geslaagd, maar aan de andere kant is het ook een kwestie van smaak. En stiekem ook een beetje van welke dieren je leuk vindt. Veel kijkplezier:

The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Atsuyuki Ohshima Kameoka Japan Title: Kitty in the kitchen Description: He stayed at there as if one of a kitchen tool. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Atsuyuki Ohshima Kameoka Japan Title: Kitty in the kitchen Description: He stayed at there as if one of a kitchen tool. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Bernard Sim Singapore Singapore Title: Peek-a-boo Description: Look ma, no eyes! Animal: Golden Doodle Location of shot: Singapore
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Bernard Sim Singapore Singapore Title: Peek-a-boo Description: Look ma, no eyes! Animal: Golden Doodle Location of shot: Singapore
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Chantal Sammons Whitby Canada Title: Um, Excuse Me Description: Artie is about 12 weeks old in this picture. He's such an expressive little fella. He reminds me of a kid putting up their hand to go to the washroom. Animal: Artie the Ragdoll Siamese Mix Location of shot: My Whitby studio
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Chantal Sammons Whitby Canada Title: Um, Excuse Me Description: Artie is about 12 weeks old in this picture. He's such an expressive little fella. He reminds me of a kid putting up their hand to go to the washroom. Animal: Artie the Ragdoll Siamese Mix Location of shot: My Whitby studio
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Charlotte Kitchen Kent United Kingdom Title: Tired Donkey Description: After sprinting around with Noah and completing some training, Benji was exhausted almost wanting an afternoon nap! Animal: Donkey Location of shot: Kent
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Charlotte Kitchen Kent United Kingdom Title: Tired Donkey Description: After sprinting around with Noah and completing some training, Benji was exhausted almost wanting an afternoon nap! Animal: Donkey Location of shot: Kent
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Darya Zelentsova Amherst United States Title: The proud pup and his best friend Description: Ludo von Lickenface, the sweetest 16-year-old rescue pup, strikes a pose alongside his beloved guardian, David. Animal: Dog Location of shot: Hatfield MA, USA
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Darya Zelentsova Amherst United States Title: The proud pup and his best friend Description: Ludo von Lickenface, the sweetest 16-year-old rescue pup, strikes a pose alongside his beloved guardian, David. Animal: Dog Location of shot: Hatfield MA, USA
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 David Kertzman Rio de Janeiro Brazil Title: What am I thinking ? Description: A little shake of the head and... where is everyone? I was lucky enough to click at the exact moment the head disappeared. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Xerém - Rio de Janeiro
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 David Kertzman Rio de Janeiro Brazil Title: What am I thinking ? Description: A little shake of the head and... where is everyone? I was lucky enough to click at the exact moment the head disappeared. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Xerém - Rio de Janeiro
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Debby Thomas Manakin Sabot United States Title: I think I saw a mouse!! Description: This beautiful and athletic gelding loves to try to fly off the ground! This is one of the series of leaps he performs. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Virginia, USA
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Debby Thomas Manakin Sabot United States Title: I think I saw a mouse!! Description: This beautiful and athletic gelding loves to try to fly off the ground! This is one of the series of leaps he performs. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Virginia, USA
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Diann Johnson West Palm Beach United States Title: Pool Friends Description: Our cat Grey making a new friend in the pool. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Florida
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Diann Johnson West Palm Beach United States Title: Pool Friends Description: Our cat Grey making a new friend in the pool. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Florida
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Emma Beardsmore Penkridge United Kingdom Title: Nosey Neighbours Description: These are my 2 cats during Covid Lockdown. They are spying on the neighbours who are breaking rules!! 'Lets act like Meerkats; they'll never know its us' Animal: Bluebell who is a Tonkinese & Simba, a snowbengal Location of shot: in my back garden
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Emma Beardsmore Penkridge United Kingdom Title: Nosey Neighbours Description: These are my 2 cats during Covid Lockdown. They are spying on the neighbours who are breaking rules!! 'Lets act like Meerkats; they'll never know its us' Animal: Bluebell who is a Tonkinese & Simba, a snowbengal Location of shot: in my back garden
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Jonathan Casey Wymondham United Kingdom Title: New Rose Description: Edgar loves to eat flowers, and her favourites are dandelions for spring, snapdragons for summer and here she can be seen gobbling as whole Gertrude Jekyll rose last September. We grow them for her and as she is elderly we handfeed her, sometimes snapping her in between bites as you can see... Animal: Edgar (Mediterranean spur thighed tortoise) Location of shot: Wymondham, Norfolk, UK
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Jonathan Casey Wymondham United Kingdom Title: New Rose Description: Edgar loves to eat flowers, and her favourites are dandelions for spring, snapdragons for summer and here she can be seen gobbling as whole Gertrude Jekyll rose last September. We grow them for her and as she is elderly we handfeed her, sometimes snapping her in between bites as you can see... Animal: Edgar (Mediterranean spur thighed tortoise) Location of shot: Wymondham, Norfolk, UK
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Julia Illig Hamburg Germany Title: Curls in the wind Description: Good looking curly couple having a good time at the windy beach. Animal: woodywoodstock2020 Location of shot: Sylt Island
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Julia Illig Hamburg Germany Title: Curls in the wind Description: Good looking curly couple having a good time at the windy beach. Animal: woodywoodstock2020 Location of shot: Sylt Island
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Philippa Huber Crewkerne United Kingdom Title: 'It's Behind You!' Description: Shelby, my sister's Cockapoo, absolutely loves chasing bubbles...she doesn't always get their location right, but she still jumps all over the place for them! Animal: Shelby, Cockapoo Location of shot: Bridport, UK
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Philippa Huber Crewkerne United Kingdom Title: 'It's Behind You!' Description: Shelby, my sister's Cockapoo, absolutely loves chasing bubbles...she doesn't always get their location right, but she still jumps all over the place for them! Animal: Shelby, Cockapoo Location of shot: Bridport, UK
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Luiza Ribeiro de Oliveira Belo Horizonte Brazil Title: Grumpy Dog Description: Meet Nick Barry, a 5-year-old yorkie with a special talent for hilarius expressions. This may not be his most flattering photo, but that frown is undeniably captivating - a true portrait of a dog who doesn't need smiles to win our hearts. Animal: Yorkshire Terrier Location of shot: Brazil
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Luiza Ribeiro de Oliveira Belo Horizonte Brazil Title: Grumpy Dog Description: Meet Nick Barry, a 5-year-old yorkie with a special talent for hilarius expressions. This may not be his most flattering photo, but that frown is undeniably captivating - a true portrait of a dog who doesn't need smiles to win our hearts. Animal: Yorkshire Terrier Location of shot: Brazil
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Lock Liu Chengdu China, People's Republic of Title: It’s time to get up Description: Every morning, my dog wakes me up by lying on my chest until I open my eyes. Animal: cocker spaniel Location of shot: chengdu china
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Lock Liu Chengdu China, People's Republic of Title: It’s time to get up Description: Every morning, my dog wakes me up by lying on my chest until I open my eyes. Animal: cocker spaniel Location of shot: chengdu china
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kenichi Morinaga Fukuoka Japan Title: Cat in a trap. Like a Super Mario. Description: Cat in a trap it looks like video game Super Mario world. Animal: cat Location of shot: Fukuoka Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kenichi Morinaga Fukuoka Japan Title: Cat in a trap. Like a Super Mario. Description: Cat in a trap it looks like video game Super Mario world. Animal: cat Location of shot: Fukuoka Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kazutoshi Ono Miyagi Sendai Japan Title: Tarzan Description: It's like being in the jungle. Animal: My rescued cat Location of shot: My home
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kazutoshi Ono Miyagi Sendai Japan Title: Tarzan Description: It's like being in the jungle. Animal: My rescued cat Location of shot: My home
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sylvia Michel BRIENZ BE Switzerland Title: Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting Description: I made this picture in Toggenburg.I threw a few snowballs and my dog jumped after them with great enthusiasm. That's how this picture came about Animal: Berger Blanc Swiss (@rastawhiteshepherd) Location of shot: Chäserugg
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sylvia Michel BRIENZ BE Switzerland Title: Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting Description: I made this picture in Toggenburg.I threw a few snowballs and my dog jumped after them with great enthusiasm. That's how this picture came about Animal: Berger Blanc Swiss (@rastawhiteshepherd) Location of shot: Chäserugg
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sylvia Michel BRIENZ BE Switzerland Title: Peek a Boo Description: I took this great picture in deep snow in Grindelwald. My dog spontaneously hid so that only his ears were sticking out of the snow. Animal: Berger Blanc Swiss (@rastawhiteshepherd) Location of shot: Grindelwald, Switzerland
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sylvia Michel BRIENZ BE Switzerland Title: Peek a Boo Description: I took this great picture in deep snow in Grindelwald. My dog spontaneously hid so that only his ears were sticking out of the snow. Animal: Berger Blanc Swiss (@rastawhiteshepherd) Location of shot: Grindelwald, Switzerland
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Tammo Zelle Stahlhofen Germany Title: It's fu.... cold! Description: Our dog had a lot of fun in the snow, but unfortunately ice crystals always stick to his paws. Animal: Our Bolonka Zwetna lady
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Tammo Zelle Stahlhofen Germany Title: It's fu.... cold! Description: Our dog had a lot of fun in the snow, but unfortunately ice crystals always stick to his paws. Animal: Our Bolonka Zwetna lady
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Tomoaki Tanto Chiba Japan Title: kitten is stuck in traffic Description: The kitten walking in front of me suddenly stopped when she saw something on the road, and the kitten walking behind me bumped into the kitten in front of me, causing a traffic jam. Animal: cat Location of shot: Kumamoto prefecture in Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Tomoaki Tanto Chiba Japan Title: kitten is stuck in traffic Description: The kitten walking in front of me suddenly stopped when she saw something on the road, and the kitten walking behind me bumped into the kitten in front of me, causing a traffic jam. Animal: cat Location of shot: Kumamoto prefecture in Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Vera Faupel Fritzlar Germany Title: Dancing queen Description: What can I say. This dog loves to jump! Animal: Pepper, pointer dog Location of shot: Germany
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Vera Faupel Fritzlar Germany Title: Dancing queen Description: What can I say. This dog loves to jump! Animal: Pepper, pointer dog Location of shot: Germany
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Vittorio Ricci Genova Italy Title: Belly dancer style Description: My long hair turtle cat believes to be perfectly camouflaged for an ambush Animal: My long hair turtle cat Location of shot: Genova, Italy
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Vittorio Ricci Genova Italy Title: Belly dancer style Description: My long hair turtle cat believes to be perfectly camouflaged for an ambush Animal: My long hair turtle cat Location of shot: Genova, Italy
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sarah Haskell Baldock United Kingdom Title: Not Just For Cats Description: Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try ....and this is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. But the cat made it look so easy...... Animal: Dog Location of shot: Wheathampstead, Herts, Englan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sarah Haskell Baldock United Kingdom Title: Not Just For Cats Description: Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try ....and this is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. But the cat made it look so easy...... Animal: Dog Location of shot: Wheathampstead, Herts, Englan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Anna Petró Budapest Hungary Title: Dog with Yellow Background Description: At sunset, I was walking in a town in Hungary, when I saw this dog with a unique 'personality'. The lights were harsh and yellow, the look of the dog was priceless. Animal: Dog Location of shot: Hungary
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Anna Petró Budapest Hungary Title: Dog with Yellow Background Description: At sunset, I was walking in a town in Hungary, when I saw this dog with a unique 'personality'. The lights were harsh and yellow, the look of the dog was priceless. Animal: Dog Location of shot: Hungary
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kenichi Morinaga Fukuoka Japan Title: You didn't hear it from me Description: These cats are having secret talk about where do we fish in Island. Animal: cat Location of shot: Fukuoka Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kenichi Morinaga Fukuoka Japan Title: You didn't hear it from me Description: These cats are having secret talk about where do we fish in Island. Animal: cat Location of shot: Fukuoka Japan
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Silvia Jiang London United Kingdom Title: who are you Description: loki and a lion Animal: loki Location of shot: beijing china
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Silvia Jiang London United Kingdom Title: who are you Description: loki and a lion Animal: loki Location of shot: beijing china
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 aburanekomaru yasuda 愛媛県 Japan Title: You keep watch Description: Our cat pushing nose into a hole in the wall while the other one seems to keep watch Animal: cat Location of shot: House
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 aburanekomaru yasuda 愛媛県 Japan Title: You keep watch Description: Our cat pushing nose into a hole in the wall while the other one seems to keep watch Animal: cat Location of shot: House
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Julie Smith
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Julie Smith
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Alina Vogel Gifhorn Germany Title: Sun lover Description: This is Freddie, he was my first Hamster and probably the most photogenic ever. Freddie died recently and that's the last honor I want to pay my little friend Animal: Goldhamster Location of shot: His lovely Cage at home:)
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Alina Vogel Gifhorn Germany Title: Sun lover Description: This is Freddie, he was my first Hamster and probably the most photogenic ever. Freddie died recently and that's the last honor I want to pay my little friend Animal: Goldhamster Location of shot: His lovely Cage at home:)
Laura Jenny
Laura Jenny

Is ze niet aan het tikken, dan reist ze rond in de wondere wereld van entertainment of op een toffe plek in de echte wereld. Mario is de man van haar leven, Belle is haar beste vriendin en haar laptop is nooit ver weg.

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