
Microsoft AntiSpyware


Microsoft gaat spyware te lijf! 6 januari 2005 kwam de eerste publiekelijke beta uit: Dubbed Microsoft AntiSpyware. Microsoft AntiSpyware biedt veel features. Het scant naar spyware/adware (de grootste bedreiging van 2005!), maar biedt ook real-time protection zodat spyware zeker geen kans meer heeft.

De tot nu toe ongekroonde spyware removal koningen zijn Ad-Aware en SpyBot S&D? deed een test om te zien wat Microsoft te bieden heeft. Conclusie: Microsoft is beter, biedt meer, maar kost centjes terwijl de andere twee tools gratis zijn:

Though still in beta, Microsoft AntiSpyware was able to detect more infected files than the current leading anti-spyware applications in the market today, Ad-Aware and SpyBot S&D. AntiSpyware’s user interface is better looking than both SpyBot and Ad-Aware, not to mention much easier to use than SpyBot.

Though Microsoft AntiSpyware was able to use better detection than both Ad-Aware and SpyBot, there is still the difference of cost between the three. Ad-Aware and SpyBot offer great performance for free, yet when Microsoft debuts its AntiSpyware application, it will require a subscription fee. Is Microsoft AntiSpyware really worth the subscription fee when there are currently good spyware removal applications out there that will do it for free? My answer to that question would be, if you can afford the fee, it is absolutely worth it; however, if you chose to use Microsoft AntiSpyware as your spyware removal tool, you will still need to run other tools such as Ad-Aware and SpyBot.

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