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Één van de voornaamste klachten onder Facebook-gebruikers is dat de veranderingen in de privacyinstellingen erg verwarrend zijn. Facebook’s CPP Sheryl Sandberg is het hier volledig mee eens. Zij gaf tijdens het lanceringsfeestje van haar nieuwe boek ‘Lean In’ aan dat het beter uitleggen van de privacyinstellingen één van de grootste misstappen die het bedrijf heeft gemaakt tot nu toe.
Sandberg besprak privacykwesties in Europa, zoals die over de omstreden gezichtsherkenningtechniek bij het taggen van foto’s. Ze gaf toe dat er een groot verschil is in hoe inwoners van Amerika denken over zulke kwesties en die van Europa, in dit geval dus Duitsland. Maar ze zei dat mensen vooral veel angst hebben omdat het een nieuwe technologie is:
Our biggest mistake over the years was not one of violating privacy, but was one of complexity. There is this tension in privacy between control and ease of use. You can give people a lot of control and it is very complicated, or you can give people less control and it is easier to use. Facebook has historically given people tons of control, but then it was all on privacy pages with 40 things, and it was hard to understand … Every new technology is met with resistance and fear, often fear around privacy. My favorite example was caller ID. When caller ID was launched 30 years ago, people thought it was a privacy problem. In some U.S. states, they tried to ban it. They thought it was a violation of privacy to see who was calling you.
Sandberg sprak ook over hoe Facebook denkt over de Europese privacykwesties. Verder gaf ze aan dat Facebook ze volledig begrijpt:
I believe there is a perception and fear that because we are American, we don’t take privacy as seriously as Europeans do. We feel this most acutely in Germany. I have had someone there say to me, “You could never understand us” … My answer back was that we have hundreds of millions of users. If there is a single American who cares as much about privacy — just one — as someone in Germany, then we have to understand it.
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