Social Media19.10.2011

Van de 10 grootste Facebook landen, groeit Brazilie hard door

Socialbakers verzorgt nog altijd dagelijkse updates over het aantal Facebook gebruikers wereldwijd. De lijst van de top 10 blijft relatief stabiel. Maar sinds de afgelopen maand is er wel een interessante evolutie gaande in termen van groei snelheid.

Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. Source:
Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1 Source:

Brazilie staat qua aantal gebruikers op de zevende plaats maar staat bovenaan als het gaat om gebruikers groei. En dat in het land waar Google’s Orkut de meest populaire sociale netwerk is. Brazilie staat verder ook in de top 5 LinkedIn landen met meer dan 6 miljoen professionele gebruikers.

Ook India, nummer 3 in de lijst van meeste Facebook gebruikers, laat nog altijd een stevige groei optekenen. De Verenigde Staten blijft die qua gebruikers veruit land nummer 1 voor Facebook en LinkedIn. Nederland is voor Facebook terug te vinden op de 26e plaats met 5,2 miljoen gebruikers. Bij LinkedIn staan we op een 6e plaats met ruim 2,9 miljoen gebruikers.

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:
10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth Articles » Facebook Statistics » 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – annotation 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth image Socialbakers provides daily updated data on the numbers of Facebook users in all world countries. The list of the top ten is relatively stable over the month, however, there’s interesting evolution in terms of the growth speed that we observed in the last month. Published: 19.10.2011 12:28 UTC 10 inShare 10 biggest Facebook countries – Brazil continues to lead the growth – article content Brazil, as Facebook country number 7 is leading the rank in terms of its users’ growth. Significant to point out, especially in the country, where Google’s Orkut is still the most popular social media site. Brazil is also 4th largest LinkedIn country with over 6M professional users. Quite surprising is the constantly slowing growth of United States, which nevertheless remains Facebook as well as LinkedIn country #1. For daily updates of Facebook moves, please visit:…-statistics/ For LinkedIn Stats, visit:…n-statistics Source:

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